
A day at Récréalle, it's great fun !

The kayaks Of récréalle

Organizer for your descent of the Semois by kayak. Specialist in the rental of kayaks in Belgium, for more then 40 years !
The red kayaks of Récréalle, a guarantee of trust for all your weekends in the Ardennes !
Choose the kayaks of Récréalle, in Alle-sur-Semois, nearby Bouillon, to kayak with the family and children. Our dynamic and qualified team takes care of your entire day so that your experience will be perfect.

The only place for departation of our red kayaks is on the end of the parking, behind our mini-golf.

The 5 parcours. Kayaks on the semois

Choose your descent of the semois, with kayak or canoe.

Prix par personne BI-PLACE Confort Familial (Canoë) MONO Confort
Alle - Vresse 7 km
1h - 2h
22 € 22 € 24 €
Alle - Membre 11 km
25 € 25 € 27 €
Poupehan - Alle 10 km
2h - 3h
25 € 25 € 27 €
Alle - Bohan 17 km
30 € 30 € 32 €

We accept all paymethods by cards.
We encourage you to minimize your cash budget in order to avoid surprises.
The risk exists that the kayak turns around (if it is not because of the flow, it will be because of your friends)

children for free – 6 years
Reduction for groups :
+ de 12 pers. : 2,00 €/pers.
+ de 24 pers. : 3,00 €/pers.

The infrastucture

at your disposal, groomed and refreshed material for more comfort and safety.

private parking with 300 places. Free mini-busses for your return-trip while your descent of the semois with kayak.

free vestiaires and showers at your disposal. Ideal if you want to refresh yourself and change of clothing, before your dinner.

The semois

The river of the Ardennes, the Semois is the most beautiful destination in Belgium to kayak. She is considerd as a real paradise by all amateurs of guided tours and canoe-kayak.
Starting from her source, in the south of Belgium, the river flows trough the most beautful places before leaving our country and entering France, chere they call her ' Semoy'

The valley of the Semois offers green banks and lush views that reach to the small villages, to discover.

The combinations Kayaks

The combinations of Récréalle makes sure that you can kayak and enjoy a meal or other sportive and playfull activities on your relaxing day. They focus on the people who wants a day with the family in the Ardennes, and plan a nice weekend along the Semois.

Grill-stone (5 meats)

Kayaking 7km + Today's special

Walking of orientation + Kayaking 12km

Bowling (1 party) + Grill-stone (5 meats)

Today's special + Kayaking 12km + A drink

Kayaking 12km + Grill-stone (5 meats)

Today's special + Mountainbike

Kayaking 12km + Mountainbike

Kayaking 12km + Grill-stone (5 meats) + A drink

Kayaking 12km + Gyropode Segway